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🐣 Celebrate Easter with Serenity

Dear Yogis, Happy Easter!

🐣 Spring is a beautiful and fresh time of year, filled with the promise of longer days and shorter nights. There's something magical about feeling the warmth of the sun kiss your face, awakening a sense of renewal and vitality within. As nature blooms and thrives, let's embrace this season of fresh beginnings. As we enter into this joyous holiday season, amidst gatherings with family and friends, let's remember to prioritise our inner peace and well-being.

We've got the tools to keep calm and centred throughout the Easter holidays!

Managing your menopause is not about elaborate tasks that take hours to implement; it's about daily lifestyle hacks that you can easily incorporate into your routine - 'Menohacks.' Simple adjustments, such as practicing mindfulness, staying hydrated, prioritising sleep, and engaging in regular exercise, can make a significant difference in alleviating symptoms and promoting overall well-being during this transformative phase of life. By embracing these small changes consistently, you can empower yourself to better manage your menopause with ease, enhancing your quality of life one day at a time.

đŸ™đŸŒ Calm Heart Meditation Calm Heart Meditation is the first meditation practice that I ever stuck with. I received the teachings during my 200-hour Kundalini Yoga training a decade ago, and it remains one of my favourite and go-to meditation practices. So much so that it features in my book (page 36) "Yoga and the 36 Menopause Symptoms” for managing the symptoms such as Anxiety, Irritability, Depression, Mood Swings.

🌳 Earthing - A menohack! Earthing, or Tree Hugging, is a practice that involves connecting with nature by physically touching the Earth, such as walking barefoot on grass or soil, or cuddling a tree! This practice is rooted in the belief that direct contact with the Earth's surface can promote physical and mental well-being by absorbing the planet's natural energy, known as "earthing.” (Page 78-79)

đŸ§˜đŸ»â€â™€ïž Our classes this month will be held on Saturday mornings @10:30am as requested. On Saturday, the 6th, we will practice Chair Yoga, focusing on daily "menohacks" to implement into your routine, aiding in managing joint pains and opening the heart space. This gentle yet effective practice will offer accessible movements tailored to support your menopausal journey. Then, on Saturday, the 27th, join us for a Yinyasa class, where we'll combine deep opening postures within a flowing sequence. This session will offer a rejuvenating blend of yin and vinyasa yoga, providing a holistic approach to nurturing your body and spirit.

This month, I'm thrilled to announce two in-person all day workshops! 

🏡 Managing Menopause - Claridge House

Join me at Calridge House for a full-day immersion in the serene setting of Surrey. Experience a day of connection, women's circle, yoga practices, meditations, breathing exercises, and valuable menohacks tailored for integrating into your daily life. This beautiful gathering promises to leave you feeling connected, informed, and part of a supportive community of like-minded women. Reserve your spot directly - only a few spaces are left for this beautiful experience.

Join us here: 

Price: ÂŁ95, which includes a signed copy of my book: "Yoga and the 36 Menopause Symptoms," a home-cooked vegetarian lunch, snacks, and afternoon tea & cake.

Claridge House

Dormans Road


Surrey RH7 6QH

đŸ’« Due to popular demand, we're excited to announce another instalment of "Yoga and the 36 Menopause Symptoms" at Serenity Space on Saturday, the 27th, from 1:30 to 3:30 PM. Join us for an empowering session designed to address the unique challenges of menopause through yoga practice and holistic techniques. Together, we'll explore strategies to manage symptoms and enhance well-being during this transformative phase of life. Reserve your spot now to secure your place in this enriching workshop.

Looking foward to seeing you on the mat! 💛

Sue Yen x

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