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Updated: Jul 29, 2021

I’m Sexy, I’m Menopausal and I know it!

Menopause is a whole body experience! As we age there’s not a crevice that escapes the

decline of estrogen and natural collagen stores, and that includes the vagina! This

reflects in the many recognised menopausal symptoms that can interfere with the

regular functioning of the pelvic region, causing irregular menstrual cycles, vaginal

dryness, loss of libido, unusual odours and even vaginal prolapse! And this list isn’t

conclusive! Experiencing one or more of the symptoms reduces sexual appetite and

interest, affecting confidence and self-esteem, which can have an impact on our

intimate relationships.

It doesn’t have to be ALL doom and gloom!

Menopausal vaginal symptoms can be very uncomfortable and women are often too

embarrassed to talk about them and seek professional advice. But if your daily

symptoms are severe there may be a need for a medication prescription and you should

seek advice. Don’t allow a brief moment of embarrassment stop you reclaiming and

experiencing what can be a really juicy and sensual time of life.

At the beginning of my menopause journey, I experienced an incident that left me

questioning my own sexual health.

During a juicy intimate session with my partner, just before that sweet, blissful rush of

nectar release, I was overcome by a sudden pressing need to pee! All my feelings felt

conflicted and confused, not knowing if there was going to be a trickle of pee released

along with an orgasm, I withdrew and moved on from the moment. The incident left me

anxious and upset and wondering if I was able or willing to allow myself become so

relaxed enough to ever experience sexual bliss again!

Taking a step back, I began to investigate!

As a yoga teacher of more than 20 years, pelvic floor exercises are not new to me.

Fortunately, I did recognise that somehow, I had lost my focus with the onset of perimenopause

causing havoc on my physical body in so many areas and I had neglected

these specific and very important exercises.

I rolled out my mat and literally within a week of doing regular, targeted pelvic floor

exercises, I felt a renewed confidence of my body. I had rejuvenated control and strength

in my pelvic region and it felt great!

I put my hard work and effort to the test! (No step-by-step details needed!) I was once

again, liberated and was able to start enjoying a relaxed and blissful outcome! For me,

this was a really eye-opening experience on how our hormones can literally dip from

one moment to another and cause havoc, physically and mentally. I suspect, similar to a

‘hot flush’ sneaking up unannounced!

Teaching yoga specifically to menopausal women, I essentially work with and constantly

remind our Goddesses to engage the pelvic floor muscles during the practice, this brings

a fresh supply of oxygenated blood flow, nourishing the pelvic area. Yogic exercises

improve vaginal health and strengthen the bladder, which can help put the Sha-Bang

back into your sex life!

In yoga class we engage three parts of the lower pelvic region to create a ‘root lock’ this

is know as the Mula Bandha - one of three yogic locks which are referenced in yoga

practices. The Mula Bandha consists of the vagina, the anus and the pelvic floor muscles

in the lower belly. The Mula Bandha is engaged to strengthen internally and stop the life

force from escaping the body and to keep the prana flowing, oxygenating and lubricating

around the lower body regions.

How to engage Mula Bandha:

Whilst on the loo, midstream stop the flow of urine. (It's not recommended that you

regularly stop the flow of urine midstream as this can cause bladder problems.) Once or

twice is adequate in helping you recognise the action of recruiting and squeezing the

vagina muscles. That’s one part of engaging the root lock.

The second part is engaging the anus. Imagine you’re in a public place, and oh no… you

feel like passing ’wind’. Yep! Engage the anus sphincter muscle and squeeze it tight.

Don’t mistake the bottom cheeks for the sphincter! The bottom remains relaxed and can

still wobble!

The third part of the root lock is pressing the pelvic floor muscles - lower abdomen back

toward the spine to meet the other two parts internally, visually creating a kind of

triangular shape. The engaging of all three parts together becomes the Mula Bandha –

root lock.

It is important to note that the root lock is not held with the holding of the breath. The

breath still flows in and out, the bottom still wiggles and the top of the surface belly still

jiggles! Once the practice becomes familiar, it is an internal exercise that can be

practiced and held anytime and anywhere!

At Triple Goddess Yoga our practices will compliment any medical route and are super

effective in enriching the renewal of oxygenated life force energy in the pelvic region,

helping you reclaim your sensual and sexual persona and feel empowered as the

Goddess you are! For a seasoned yogi, the root lock can be engaged and held throughout

a class. For novices, simple yogic exercises whilst engaging the root lock will reap many

benefits and start to lay a strong foundation of core pelvic strength.

In the privacy and comfort of your own home, please watch and participate in our Triple

Goddess Yoga pelvic floor short yoga practice to help you restore and rejuvenate!

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